Our awaited Bollywood class are starting again!
We are very excited to announce our Bollywood dance classes for all ages during this Summer! In this classes, students will be learning total body coordination, use of props, presentation/stage techniques while gaining the self-confidence, dance to different beats while learning different choreographies!
Registration is now open. Please follow below link to register.
Please visit this link https://goo.gl/forms/BL0r7qolmnZSNsU03 to register and complete the registration process for each student prior to class commencement
Class & Fees:
The Bollywood/Freestyle dance class for ages will run every Thursday from 7 pm to 8 pm at the Black Mountain location(next to Shree Mandir). This session (14 classes) will start from 10th May 2018 and will end on 9th Aug 2018.
Please note there will be no class on 28th May(memorial day weekend).
Fees are $20/class. fees are to be paid per session and is due on the first day of class the class. Annual registration fee $ 20 is to be paid along with the class fees. Total fees $280(14 classes)+$20(registration fees for new students) = $300 is due on the first day of the class. Please note that costume rental fees are not included in this fees.
All students are required to wear black leggings, Indian Kurta with Chunni(scarf) to class. Strictly NO SKIRTS, SHORTS, JEANS, TANK TOPS ARE ALLOWED IN CLASS.
Please note:
- Yearly registration fees are $20/family.
- Fees are due on the first class of the month. If you are late to pay please add $25 late charge with your fees.
- Fees will not be prorated for missing any new sessions/class.
- It is each student/member’s responsibility to attend all scheduled classes. No refunds will be given for any classes missed.
- No refunds will be given for classes missed by the students.
- Please make sure every student has a water bottle with them.
For any queries or require any further information/questions with regards to this class please do not hesitate to email or contact us on 858-231-6484.